The patient consultation is an important part of introducing a new patient to our practice. We offer comprehensive consultations that allow our dentists to give you the best oral assessment and to recommend the best treatments. The goal of the initial patient exam and consultation is to address a few things:

The exam will assess the patient’s dental condition and other relevant medical conditions.

  • Tongue, cheeks, lips, and throat
  • Jaw joint and muscles
  • Current crowns, veneers, fillings
  • Missing teeth, cavities, signs of decay or tooth wear
  • Color and general appearance of teeth and bite.
  • We complete dental x-rays that will check for root position, abscess or cysts, decay inside the tooth, and any hard tissue changes in your bone

Once we have the exam we will discuss treatment options, and relevant risks or obstacles, and anything else that might be needed to help advise the patient of the best course of treatment based on the information.

We do our best to give examples as to what the treatment would look like when it is finished, the amount of time of the treatment will take, the amount of care that needs to be taken after the treatment is complete, and what the financial investment will look like for the treatments. We look forward to inviting you into the Enamel Dental Family! Please give us a call or fill out our “Schedule a Consultation” form!

Currently, we offer Free Consultations for Implants and Invisalign!